
NY Philharmonic

Posted By:Travel Expert Posted On:August 2, 2021 2:17 am

New York’s Finest

The 106 members of the New York Philharmonic all earn their living as full-time musicians. They rehearse and perform with the Orchestra at David Geffen Hall during the regular season (September to June), play free summer concerts in New York-area public parks, and tour throughout the United States and the world. The Orchestra is also heard on New York Philharmonic recordings, and on live national television and radio broadcasts.

Another Headline 3

One of the great joys of going to a New York Philharmonic concert is being introduced to a great piece of music you’ve never heard before, or listening to a superb performance of a piece you haven’t heard in years. Some regular concert-goers do find they appreciate the performance more if they listen to a recording of the piece before the concert, so they can better anticipate their favorite parts, or listen for virtuoso playing of the more difficult passages. And many audience members find it enhances their enjoyment of the music if they take the time before the performance to read the notes in the program about the composer and the pieces that are to be played. On the Philharmonic website, we post each concert’s Program Notes two weeks before the performance.

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